Teacher in front of a classroom of children


Enhancing positive self-regard and respect for others among second graders. 
A mental health education and self-identity program of Mental Health America-Wabash Valley Region in partnership with local elementary schools. “I’m Thumbody Special!” is a 60-minute presentation offered to second grade classrooms throughout the region we serve; Benton County, Carrol County, Fountain County, Tippecanoe County, Warren County, and White County.

The program focuses on mental health, self-identity, emotions, talking to an adult you feel safe with, respecting yourself and respecting others. The presentation emphasizes mental health and that each child is as special and unique as his/her own thumbprint. Children leave the program with a bookmark that includes their own thumbprints and a Thumbody booklet. A large poster with each child’s thumbprint and a Thumbody pillow are also given to each classroom with the intention that children will be reminded daily of their importance in this world.