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Multisystemic Therapy

A family focused therapy.

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is an intensive family-based intervention focused to help at risk youth remain in their home. Currently families are referred through DCS into the program.

Multisystemic Therapy is a scientifically proven intervention that successfully transforms the lives of high-risk youths. They offer evidence-based treatments that are proven to empower families, reduce crimes, keep families together, and keep our youth in school. Therapist will be working together with the school, community, and home and are available on-call 24/7 to provide caregivers with the tools to transform the lives of troubled youth.  

MST offers a Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program that will allow therapists to work with youths at home to address the root cause of their anti-social behavior. The average length of treatment is between 3 and 5 months, with the goal of achieving positive outcomes by reducing youth criminal activity and anti-social behavior. Intensive therapy is also available and provides a holistic approach lasting for six to nine months. This specific service focuses on families by tailoring interventions to the particular risk factors that are contributing to child physical abuse and neglect for each family.  

Criteria that would make a youth eligible for MST include:
•Youth ages 12-17
•Engaging in aggressive and/or criminal behaviors
•Having problem behaviors at school or are chronically truant
•Using and/or selling substances
•At risk of placement out of the home and/or severe system consequence (e.g., school expulsion or arrest)
•Eligible for Family Preservation Services through Department of Child Services (DCS) or juvenile probation

Call our MST Supervisor for more information or email Tiefa Hernandez at [email protected]

Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an in person or phone appointment with a System of Care Navigator call Mental Health America at 765-742-1800 or use the buttons below to schedule an appointment online.

If you need to schedule an appointment after hours, please email [email protected] with your availability. We will accommodate your schedule the best we can.

Small therapy group being lead by therapist

Let's Talk

Schedule an in person or phone appointment with a Peer Recovery Specialist by clicking the link below or call 765.742.1800

If you need to schedule an appointment after hours, please email [email protected] with your availability. We will accommodate your schedule the best we can.

Distressed man being comforted by friend