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Too Good For Drugs

Mental Health America – Wabash Valley Region is dedicated to expanding the Too Good for Drugs program across all middle schools in our 11-county service area in North Central Indiana. This evidence-based curriculum equips students with crucial life skills, fostering resilience and deterring substance use. With substance use posing significant challenges in our region, from increased rates of addiction to strain on community resources, prevention efforts are essential. Too Good for Drugs is not just about saying no; it’s a comprehensive curriculum that empowers students with decision-making abilities and resilience. By supporting this program, you’re investing in the well-being of our youth and the strength of our communities.

To get involved or request more information about bringing Too Good for Drugs to your middle school, contact us today at 765-742-1800.

Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an in person or phone appointment with a System of Care Navigator call Mental Health America at 765-742-1800 or use the buttons below to schedule an appointment online.

If you need to schedule an appointment after hours, please email [email protected] with your availability. We will accommodate your schedule the best we can.

Small therapy group being lead by therapist

Let's Talk

Schedule an in person or phone appointment with a Peer Recovery Specialist by clicking the link below or call 765.742.1800

If you need to schedule an appointment after hours, please email [email protected] with your availability. We will accommodate your schedule the best we can.

Distressed man being comforted by friend